Excel Homework: N.C. Voters

  1. Download from ftp://alt.ncsbe.gov/data/ the ncvoterXX.txt files from the counties you’ve been assigned.
  2. Answer the following questions:
    1. How many precincts have more than 65% Democratic voters?
    2. How many precincts have more unaffiliated voters than Democrats and Republicans combined?
    3. Make a pivot table that shows race and ethnicity by party affiliation.
    4. Make a pivot table that shows the number of voters who registered in each party each year.
    5. Make a list of the addresses (home, not mailing) that shows for every address how many people are registered in each party.
    6. Make a list of the addresses (home, not mailing) that shows the number of registered voters of each gender.
    7. Make a pivot table that shows the distribution of Democrats, Republicans and independents for each age group.